Comic from the police story

In this opportunity, I will show you the final product of the making of a COMIC to be used in an educational environment.

This work was made in NOCC format in a collaborative learning environment of AprendeIntef of the Education Ministry of Spain Government.

The topic of the comic for de students is to make a comic from the police story. 

The aim of the curriculum work in the comic is that students were able to produce their own comic having in mind its basic concepts in order to make it efficient.

  •      Identify the theme of the story clearly, identifying the key moments of it.
  •      Set up a chronological line in order to start the comic by the very end till its beginning
  •      Select funny characters. Identify its personal traits.

Lesson class

We will use an flipped classroom format.

Student’s previous activities

Students must login to the web site  and create their own account.
Students have to access to the tutorial in Youtube  where basic steps to create a comic in Pixton are explained.

Class development

Moment 1 (40 minutes)

The teacher will show its own comic as a trigger of the activity.

Pairs of two students must login the web site and look at the comic gallery.

Students have to choose a comic and identify:
1.       Main idea
2.       Dialogues format (thinking bubbles, order)
3.       Onomatopoeia
4.       Main and secondary characters
5.       Types of language
6.       Placement of the story
7.       Amount of panels
8.       Reading time
9.       Representation techniques (from a freehand drawing, a downloaded image from internet, an object from the software gallery)

Moment 2 (80 minutes)

The teacher synthesizes the main concepts of a comic and the way to produce it.

Students in pairs work with the police tale created with the school teacher and extract main ideas, starting, development and conclusion of it.

They must search in www. for the characters and stage that best adapt to the story.

They will make an outline of the development of their tale of no more than 8 panels regarding the rules of its construction. If they do not finish it in class, they must continue with it as homework.

Moment 3 (80 minutes)

The teacher made his own comic on line using a class manager so that each student could follow the process from his own PC.

Students in pairs start developing their police tale in Pixton and the teacher will solve their doubts.

They will save the project in the same gallery of Pixton to return to it the following class.

Moment 4 (80 minutes)

Students finish the comic, correcting orthography, grammar and clarity of ideas.
Students will publish their comics in the Padlet made by the teacher.

The rest of the students must select 2 of the students’ comics from the padlet and criticize to improve their works.

Moment 5 (40 minutes)

Students, school teacher and Informatics teacher project the works made by each group. Create a support and collaboration climate.


This work will be evaluated according to a scale grade designed by the Informatics teacher, focusing on content concepts, clarity of ideas, orthography, punctuation and grammar.
